Wholesale Smoked Eels

Here at Meadowland Smokery, we are always looking to broaden our wholesale reach, supplying high-quality smoked eels to a diverse range of clients across the globe.

Enquire for Wholesale

About Meadowland Smokery Wholesale

Our products have reached a variety of venues worldwide—from fine dining restaurants in London, royal palaces in Dubai, to exclusive resorts in Switzerland. No matter the client, we aim to create a personalised service to facilitate each customer’s specific needs.

Our approach includes offering product samples and discussing your order volume and frequency to provide the best possible service. We ensure quality from start to finish; from sourcing, smoking and filleting to our flexible delivery options, which include free weekly London deliveries and reliable courier services for other areas.

Personalised consultations

In-person meetings with our expert team to align our services with your specific goals.

Quality from start to finish

A comprehensive process ensuring superior quality of our smoked eels from sourcing to delivery.

Flexible ordering and delivery

Adaptable order and delivery options, including free weekly London deliveries and efficient courier services

Continuous communication

Regular client communication, ensuring constant alignment and readiness to respond to any needs or feedback.

Contact us

Interested in making a wholesale smoked eel order? Use the contact form below. Alternatively, you can contact us via hello@meadowlandsmokery.co.uk or call 07947 256214

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